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Lokahi Garden Sanctuary

Alvita Soleil, O.M.D., Lac. NCCAOM
Raised in the mountainous region of Chamonix, France, Alvita left her native homeland more than 37 years ago, traveling the world before settling in the United States. For more than 30 years Oriental Medicine and various forms of healing have been her dedication and her passion. She studied various methods of massage, acupressure, jin shin do, bio-energetic medicine for a few years before she received her acupuncture degree from the American College of Traditional Medicine in 1982 and graduated doctor of Oriental medicine from the Institute of Oriental Medicine in China in 1988.
Dr Alvita Soleil operated a successful holistic clinic in Mill Valley, California where her unique approach to health and wellness was so sought after that readers of Focus Magazine voted her one of the best area’s experts in the field. As a medical intuitive she offers a compassionate approach to many health challenges. Her integrated approach to treatment is based on the fundamental recognition that each individual is a unique symphonic balance of physical, intellectual, emotional, and spiritual components. For this reason she combines many healing modalities including Traditional Oriental Medicine, Acupuncture, Herbology, Spiritual Healing and Counseling, Bio-Energetic Medicine, Live Blood Cell Analysis Darkfield Microscopy, Homeopathy, Diet and Nutrition, NAET (allergy elimination technique), Emotional/ Psychological Repatterning, Lymphatic drainage, and European Naturopathy. The emphasis is on prevention, detoxification, strengthening the body, awakening the mind and empowering the spirit.
Dr. Soleil moved to Hawaii in 2002 where she founded the Kohala Health and Wellness Center. Her favorite quote on healing: “Healing is not merely the relief of physical or mental pain. Healing is the change that naturally occurs when we make the time to nurture and care for ourselves”.

Joel Levey, Ph.D and Michelle Levey
Dr. Joel & Michelle Levey have devoted their lives to the exploration of extraordinary human potential and have been blessed to work and study closely with many of the most respected mind scientists and revered contemplative teachers of our times. They are founders of The International Center for Corporate Culture and Organizational Health at InnerWork Technologies, Inc., and Wisdom At Work a Seattle-based firm dedicated to developing and renewing organizational cultures and communities in which extra-ordinary levels of wisdom, inspired leadership, cooperation, synergy, mind-fitness, collective intelligence, and change resilience can thrive. They are also founders of the International Center for Contemplative Inquiry and the Kohala Sanctuary, a retreat center on the Big Island of Hawaii hosting gatherings in the Aloha Spirit.
The Leveys work with organizations and communities around the globe to inspire people to deepen the wisdom, wonder, compassion, resilience, mind-fitness, and creativity they bring to life, work, and relationships amidst the myriad changes, challenges, and opportunities of these turbulent and rapidly shifting times. Their work spans many disciplines and the following notes offer a glimpse of their experience:
* Nobel Laureate the Dalai Lama, an advisor and supporter on a number of the Leveys’ projects, encouraged them in their work saying in a letter to them: “You are presently engaged in work that has great prospects for bringing the Dharma (the inner sciences and technologies of human development and transformation) to a very wide section of people who may not under ordinary circumstances come into contact with these teachings. I am very pleased about the work that you are doing and send you blessings and prayers for your success.”

Vikki Catellacci MA, LMFT
Vikki Catellacci MA, LMFT has lived and practiced clinical work with children and families in Hawaii for the past 27 years. Vikki’s focus has been in the area of bereavement. For the past three years in association with Hospice of Hilo Hawaii, she has led bereavement camps for children.

Suzanne “Kamaluhia” Woolley is trained as a Hawaiian cultural practitioner focused on the rituals and ceremonies of the Pele lineage. She states, “by living as righteously as I can and maintaining a balanced lifestyle, I am able to keep a clear channel to our creator. It is through this clear channel that Ke Akua (creator) touches the client/patient. My role in this is to stay open to the healing energy.

Kahu Kealoha Sugiyama
Kahu (Minister) Kealoha Sugiyama is a native Hawaiian with ethnic blends of Irish, Scotch, English and Japanese. Kahu Kealoha was born and raised in Mahukona in North Kohala on the island of Hawaii. Life was simple and he and his ohana respected everything from the mountain to the sea. Being one with nature made Kahu Kealoha want to be of service to man and God. Kahu Kealoha offers a unique perspective into Hawaiian healing practices. Kahu Kealoha enjoys sharing his life long love of making leis, chanting and dancing the hula.
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